NTAK data service for tourist attractions and catering businesses

1. IGAZOLÁS a SRS – NTAK Jegykezelő szoftver adatküldési megfelelőségéről

2. IGAZOLÁS a SRS – NTAK Vendéglátó szoftver adatküldési megfelelőségéről

NTAK obligation:


A tourist attraction that is obliged to provide data is a tourist attraction whose operator ensures the use of the attraction’s services on a continuous, periodic or occasional basis, in an entry-required manner, by selling or issuing tickets.


According to the currently effective legislation, a catering business that is obliged to provide NTAK data is a business whose obligation to provide receipts is in accordance with Article 48/2013 (XI. 15) on the technical requirements of cash registers, the distribution, use and servicing of cash registers for issuing receipts, and the provision of data recorded by the cash register to the tax authority, and obliged to use an online cash register based on NGM (Ministry of Finance) decree. Based on the decree, the use of online cash registers is mandatory in TEÁOR (unified sectoral classification system of economic activities) activities 56.1 and 56.3, except for the provision of non-stationary services.

The law requires the provision of data to the obliged entities from July 1, 2023. Accordingly, the service provider must complete the registration no later than the start of data provision and ensure that it also has the ticketing software suitable for data provision.

What is NTAK?

The biggest and most comprehensive development of the tourism sector so far is the creation of the National Tourist Information Center (NTAK), which started operating in 2019. The digital platform, which operates under the supervision of the Hungarian Tourist Agency, enables sector-specific but anonymous traffic and statistical data to be visible nationally and in real-time..

To whom is it obligatory?

While it has been mandatory for accommodation providers to send data for years, based on the current legislation, this obligation also extends to catering businesses and tourist attraction providers from July 1, 2023. The scope of the obligees was determined based on their TEÁOR numbers.
The data of the products and services sold by the service providers must be sent daily to the NTAK system through the interface defined by the authority. In the event of an error in the system, the data must be sent when the connection is restored, or within 24 hours after that.

What kind of solution can SRS Informatika provide?

For our SRS sales solutions, we developed the NTAK interface for both catering and tourist attractions, so our customers automatically send the specified data.

We have further developed this solution so that it is able to meet the requirements of the NTAK documentation, even in the case of data extracted from an external system, so we can offer a solution to those interested who do not use the commercial system of SRS.
With the help of the Online NTAK Interface (ONI), we convert data extracted from an external sales system into an available format without any development on the client’s side.
After the successful conversion to the format required by NTAK, the created files are transmitted through the channel specified by NTAK. Our system processes the application-level confirmations received via this channel and assigns a status to each processed data package on the basis of which the previously mentioned automatic e-mail notifications and error reports can be set.

An integral part of the ONI system is the WEB-based monitoring service,which helps to visually follow and check the operation of the system, but we also provide flat-rate
Helpdesk support in the framework of which we receive and eliminate errors, maintain the system, and also ensure the monitoring of changes in the NTAK law.

Logical structure of the system