Our special cash register system, developed for tobacco shops, meets all applicable regulations that a tobacco shop must meet in order to operate properly. Of course, the system also has all the SRS POS online cash register features and benefits.
Our tobacco shop cash register system…
- …complies with the concession tender notice of National Tobacco Trade Nonprofit Ltd (Nemzeti Dohánykereskedelmi Nonprofit Zrt.),
- …has a valid tax permit, which will be renewed during the year in accordance with 3/2013. (II. 15.) of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM),
- … can transmit the traffic data on a daily basis via an online connection to National Tax and Customs Authority (NAV) and the National Tobacco Trade Nonprofit Ltd (Nemzeti Dohánykereskedelmi Nonprofit Zrt.),
- …can be supplemented by the 3/2013. (II. 15.) decree of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM), enabling online communication and encrypted data management,
- … complies with the mechanical receipt issuing obligations (receipt, simplified invoice printing),
- … also has an inventory management function,
- … is suitable for preparing and sending relevant reports and statistics.
Our IT system for tobacco shops ensures the connection:
- between the store cash register and the head office
- between the head office and the tobacco manufacturers
- between the head office and National Tax and Customs Authority (NAV)
- between the head office and the tobacco wholesalers.